mbio.fsm.undip.ac.id. the Academic Senate (SA) of Diponegoro University held a scientific presentation of Undip professor candidates, Dr. Erma Prihastanti, M.Si., Monday (23/5) from the Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Mathematics (FSM).
On occasion, Dr. Erma Prihastanti, M.Si discusses the study of Physiology and determination of plant responses in an effort to mitigate the effects of climate change. The study of physiological data analysis in general can be used in determining crop strategies in the face of climate change. Plant physiology Data such as Root water potential can determine the water content of plants when planted in monoculture and polyculture, hydraulic conductiviti data and embolism percentage can be used to analyze the water transport system in plants and how damage caused by air bubbles that can disrupt the sustainability of plant life.
“Data on the content of proline and carbohydrate dissolved roots, and the results of observations with the method of in growth and soil core can be used to determine the resistance of plant root cells and their growth in conditions of lack of water. Determination of resorption in leaves is important to determine the pattern of nutrition /fertilization. Analysis of plant adaptation development can be observed from specific leaf area or SLA and observation of leaf trichomata. Furthermore, from physiology data is also needed in determining cultivation so that plant growth and production can be optimal and sustainable”