mbio.fsm.undip.ac.id. The endophytic fungi of Raru plants become the research object of Pebrianiafrahul Ispadillah Siregar (NIM. 24020119420018) already since the last few months. Finally, on Monday, August 8, 2022, Pebrianiafrahul was able to defend his thesis in front of a team of Examiners consisting of supervisor I (Dr. Sri Pujiyanto, S.SI, M.Si), supervisor II (Dr. Dra. Arina Tri Lungani, M.Si), Chief Examiner (Dr. Drs. Wijanarka, M.Si), Examiner Member (Dr. Dra. Susanna Purwantisari, M.Si) and examiners from the manager of Biology Master Program (Dr. Erma Prihastanti, M.Si). This is an important part of the exam for Pebria to achieve her Master of Science degree (M.Si) in the Master of Biology study Program. Congratulations and success always to Pebrianiafrahul.
Pebrianiafrahul Ispadillah Siregar passed his thesis by researching endophytic fungi of Raru plants
by d2x | Aug 8, 2022 | News, THE SDGs, Thesis News