mbio.fsm.undip.ac.id. Niken Ichtiaty, a student of the 2021 biology master’s program, was crowned the mother of Magelang City Sanitation at the dedication Hall, Thursday (11/8/2022). This coronation is expected to be a stimulant for the community to increase awareness of clean living behavior.
“I am the mother of Magelang city. Related to sanitation, I thank the Forum Tembang Tidar/FTT, which has given many descriptions of what the mother of sanitation is, its functions and works,” said Niken, in her Coronation speech, Thursday (11/8/2022).
According to him, Magelang City is a small city with a population of around 127,000 people, as well as limited land, it needs government cooperation with community institutions that care about cleanliness to realize a modern, clean and free Magelang City Open Defecation Free (ODF) or free open defecation (BABS).
“There is a good synergy between the city government and community institutions that care about cleanliness, it is hoped that Magelang City will become a modern, clean and ODF-free city. We will make targets in front of the city of Magelang ODF, ” said Niken.
The nearest Agenda, his party in collaboration with the Magelang city PKK mobilization team will hold a dedicated work to clean communal latrines in Panjang Village. He advised, that sanitation is for the benefit of themselves, and the future of future generations.